Simply Latakia Tobacco

Latakia tobacco in a pipe tobacco tin

Imagine a world where the smoky aroma of Latakia tobacco fills the air, captivating your senses and transporting you to a place of rich history and tradition. This unique tobacco, known for its bold flavors and distinctive characteristics, has long been a favorite among pipe enthusiasts. As you delve deeper into the world of Simply Latakia tobacco, you’ll uncover the secrets behind its unique blending process, the art of combining it with other tobaccos, and the fascinating journey it takes from leaf to pipe. So, sit back, light up your pipe, and prepare to embark on a flavorful adventure with Simply Latakia tobacco.

Latakia tobacco is a unique and flavorful addition to the world of pipe smoking. Known for its smoky aroma and bold taste, this tobacco has a rich history and tradition that spans centuries. In this article, we’ll explore the origins of Latakia tobacco, its characteristics, types, blending process, and much more. So, sit back, light up your pipe, and let’s embark on a journey through the fascinating world of Simply Latakia tobacco.


Latakia tobacco traces its roots back to the ancient city of Latakia in present-day Syria. It was first discovered by accident when local tobacco farmers left their crop to dry in the sun, only for it to be exposed to the smoke from nearby fires. The result was a tobacco with a distinct smoky flavor that quickly gained popularity among pipe smokers.

Traditional Production

Traditionally, Latakia tobacco is produced by curing the leaves over smoldering fires made from local hardwoods and aromatic herbs. This process imparts the tobacco with its signature smoky flavor and aroma. Today, Latakia tobacco is primarily produced in Cyprus, following a similar curing process.

Flavor Profile

Latakia tobacco is known for its bold, smoky flavor that is often described as earthy, woodsy, and slightly sweet. The intensity of the flavor can vary depending on the type of Latakia and the curing process used.


The aroma of Latakia tobacco is unmistakable, with a rich, smoky scent that is both captivating and comforting. This distinct aroma has made Latakia a popular choice for pipe smokers seeking a unique and flavorful experience.

Syrian Latakia

Syrian Latakia is the original Latakia tobacco, produced in the region surrounding the city of Latakia in Syria. It is characterized by a milder, more delicate flavor and aroma compared to its Cypriot counterpart. Due to political instability and production challenges, Syrian Latakia has become increasingly rare and difficult to find.

Cypriot Latakia

Cypriot Latakia is produced on the island of Cyprus and has become the more widely available variety of Latakia tobacco. It is known for its stronger, more robust flavor and aroma, making it a popular choice for pipe smokers seeking a bold and smoky experience.

Popular Tobacco Combinations

Latakia tobacco is often used as a blending component in pipe tobacco mixtures, adding depth and complexity to the overall flavor profile. Some popular tobacco combinations include Latakia with Virginia, Burley, or Oriental tobaccos, creating a harmonious balance of flavors and aromas.

Creating Your Own Blend

For those looking to experiment with blending their own pipe tobacco, Latakia offers a versatile and flavorful starting point. By combining Latakia with other tobaccos in varying proportions, you can create a custom blend that suits your personal taste preferences.

Storing and Aging Latakia Tobacco

Proper storage is essential for maintaining the quality and flavor of Latakia tobacco. It is recommended to store Latakia in airtight containers, such as glass jars or sealed pouches, to prevent exposure to air and moisture. Additionally, aging Latakia tobacco can enhance its flavor and aroma, with some pipe smokers preferring to age their tobacco for several years before smoking.

Choosing the Right Pipe

Selecting the right pipe is crucial for enjoying Latakia tobacco to its fullest potential. Many pipe smokers prefer briar pipes for their durability and heat resistance, while others opt for meerschaum or clay pipes for their neutral taste and ability to absorb moisture.

Packing Techniques

Properly packing your pipe is essential for a smooth and enjoyable smoking experience. There are several packing techniques, such as the three-layer method or the Frank method, that can help ensure an even burn and consistent draw.

Lighting and Smoking

When lighting your pipe, use a soft flame lighter or wooden matches to avoid scorching the tobacco. Tamp the tobacco gently as you smoke, maintaining a consistent ember and ensuring an even burn throughout the bowl.

Latakia Tobacco in the Tobacco Industry

Latakia tobacco has played a significant role in the tobacco industry, with its unique flavor and aroma making it a sought-after component in many pipe tobacco blends. Its popularity has also led to the development of Latakia-infused cigars, offering cigar enthusiasts a taste of this distinctive tobacco.

Latakia Tobacco in Popular Culture

The allure of Latakia tobacco has not gone unnoticed in popular culture, with references to its smoky flavor and aroma appearing in literature, film, and television. From Sherlock Holmes to modern-day pipe smoking enthusiasts, Latakia tobacco continues to captivate and inspire.


Simply Latakia tobacco is a fascinating and flavorful addition to the world of pipe smoking. With its rich history, unique characteristics, and versatile blending potential, it’s no wonder that Latakia has become a favorite among pipe enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or just beginning your journey into the world of pipe tobacco, Latakia offers a captivating and unforgettable experience.

Technical sources:

Latakia tobacco is a unique type of tobacco known for its smoky flavor and aroma. It is traditionally produced by curing the leaves over smoldering fires made from local hardwoods and aromatic herbs . Syrian Latakia is derived from a tobacco leaf known as “shekk-el-bint,” while Cypriot Latakia is made from the small leafed Smyrna or Izmir variety . Both types of Latakia have low nicotine content and are often used as blending components in pipe tobacco mixtures .


Latakia tobacco has a relatively small presence in the global tobacco industry, with an annual yield of about 60,000 pounds. This is insignificant compared to the overall global tobacco manufacturing, which is primarily focused on cigarettes .


  1. What is the origin of Latakia tobacco?
    Latakia tobacco originates from the ancient city of Latakia in present-day Syria .
  2. What are the main types of Latakia tobacco?
    There are two main types of Latakia tobacco: Syrian Latakia and Cypriot Latakia .
  3. What is the flavor profile of Latakia tobacco?
    Latakia tobacco is known for its bold, smoky flavor that is often described as earthy, woodsy, and slightly sweet .
  4. What is the aroma of Latakia tobacco?
    The aroma of Latakia tobacco is rich, smoky, and distinct .
  5. How is Latakia tobacco used in blending?
    Latakia tobacco is often used as a blending component in pipe tobacco mixtures, adding depth and complexity to the overall flavor profile. It is commonly combined with Virginia, Burley, or Oriental tobaccos .
  6. How should Latakia tobacco be stored?
    Latakia tobacco should be stored in airtight containers, such as glass jars or sealed pouches, to prevent exposure to air and moisture .
  7. Can Latakia tobacco be aged?
    Yes, aging Latakia tobacco can enhance its flavor and aroma. Some pipe smokers prefer to age their tobacco for several years before smoking .
  8. What is the difference between Syrian and Cypriot Latakia?
    Syrian Latakia has a milder, more delicate flavor and aroma compared to Cypriot Latakia, which is known for its stronger, more robust flavor and aroma .
  9. Is Latakia tobacco high in nicotine?
    No, Latakia tobacco has a low nicotine content compared to other types of tobacco .
  10. What is the best way to smoke Latakia tobacco?
    To enjoy Latakia tobacco, choose the right pipe, pack it properly, and use a soft flame lighter or wooden matches to light it. Tamp the tobacco gently as you smoke to maintain a consistent ember and ensure an even burn throughout the bowl .
  11. What is the role of Latakia tobacco in the tobacco industry?
    Latakia tobacco is a sought-after component in many pipe tobacco blends and has also led to the development of Latakia-infused cigars .
  12. Is Latakia tobacco used in cigars?
    Yes, Latakia tobacco has been used in the development of Latakia-infused cigars .
  13. Can artificial Latakia be made?
    There is no information available on the creation of artificial Latakia. However, the unique flavor and aroma of Latakia tobacco come from the traditional curing process involving smoldering fires made from local hardwoods and aromatic herbs .
  14. What are some popular Latakia tobacco blends?
    Some popular Latakia tobacco blends include mixtures with Virginia, Burley, or Oriental tobaccos .
  15. Is Latakia tobacco used in cigarettes?
    Latakia tobacco is primarily used in pipe tobacco mixtures and cigars, not in cigarettes .

Sources of information:

  1. A Closer Look At Latakia Tobacco – Smoking Pipes:
      1. Pease Tobaccos – Articles & Essays:
  2. Latakia Production – a Quest for Details | Fair Trade Tobacco:


  1. A Closer Look At Latakia Tobacco – Smoking Pipes:
      1. Pease Tobaccos – Articles & Essays:
  2. Latakia Production – a Quest for Details | Fair Trade Tobacco: